
The 2020s–this year and beyond–will be a time of great disruption created by emerging technology. Not only will technologies like hyper-automation, artificial intelligence and human augmentation change the way people interact with technology, it will create opportunities–and challenges–never before seen. Read on to learn more about what is developing in 2020 and beyond. 

Technology Will Center Around People

According to an article published by Gartner in late 2019, the orientation toward technology is changing. Previously, companies developed technology stacks and then developed applications. Now, according to VP of research Brian Burke, “organizations must consider the business and human context first.” The emphasis will be on people-centric smart spaces, and these will profoundly affect people and the places they live and work. There will be greater citizen access via democratization, wherein people can gain business and technological knowledge without a lot of expensive training. People could even be part of the smart spaces through human augmentation, including wearables. 

An Expanding Perimeter

Information technology is not just based in a company’s office or a geographic data center. Trends such as edge computing and distributed cloud bring information outside of a central location and put it closer to the user, decreasing the amount of time it takes for users to get the information they are after. An empowered edge looks at how an increased number of connected devices will build smart spaces. Distributed cloud allows public cloud data centers to be located anywhere, enabling users to access the data they need while the provider still handles architecture, delivery and operations. 

Security Still a Key Consideration

With all these new technological trends and what they allow users to do, trust needs to be established. What will be the ethical framework for gathering and storing data from smart spaces? Where the data is stored, and rules for how it will be used, are issues needing consideration. Legislation including GDPR will succeed in laying ground rules for organizations which use data generated by smart spaces, human augmentation and artificial intelligence. With more points of access, more protection will be needed.

To learn more about these trends and how they may affect your business, contact your trusted technology advisor today.