
New iPad at work?  Make sure it is secure.

With the holiday season behind us,  as expected, many employees are coming to work with shiny new tablet computers including Android Tablets, Microsoft Windows RT Tablets and the new Apple iPad Mini.   Your company may have a “Bring Your Own Device” mobile device management policy that allows employees to use these devices at work and, in some cases, for work.  Maybe you made that year-end corporate purchase to outfit your staff with the new iPad.  Either way, you need to make sure your corporate network, applications and data stay secure as these mobile devices enter the workplace.

Here are a few tips to make sure your mobile device policies are in place, so your employees can use those new iPads securely.


Review your Mobile Device Policy

Does your company have a written mobile device policy?  If not, you should put that in place.  The top issues with mobile devices, such as a new iPad, are related to loss or theft.  Because these devices may have access to your corporate applications and data, including email, customer and inventory data, make sure your employees know what is acceptable use for these mobile  devices.  Is it ok to store corporate data on personal devices within your company?  Conversely, can employees store personal data on a corporate owned mobile device?  Either way, have a stated mobile device policy so you can measure compliance with your mobile device policies and procedures.


Proactively Manage Your New iPad

You can secure your iPad in case of loss or theft by keeping an audit of the device and the applications that are on it.  If your new iPad is lost or stolen, you also want to be able to track the device to help with locating your lost mobile device.   You also want to be able to safely and securely wipe corporate data from the mobile device.  This includes downloaded mobile applications that access corporate systems and data.  Additionally, you should ensure your new iPad is kept up to date with the latest security patches and antivirus definitions for your new iPad.


Educate Your Staff on Mobile Security

It is a good idea to periodically train your staff so they are aware of IT security policies and related mobile security risks.  Make sure your employees are aware of the acceptable use policies for mobile devices in the workplace.  This may include  what applications are allowed and when a device can be used for personal use during the work day.  It is also important that your employees understand mobile security risks associated with their new iPad. Be sure to include in the training how and when to report loss or theft of a mobile device.

There are a number of steps you can take to ensure secure usage of your new iPad and other tablet computers within the workplace. It doesn’t matter if the mobile device is company owned or a personal device.  Either way, if you have a new iPad in the workplace, make sure it is secure.  If you need assistance with your mobile device management policies or procedures contact your IT Support professional.